Monday, October 5, 2015

Life Is A Trip

“Even after death it is possible to lighten the load of a life’s pilgrims”~ Judith Fein, Life is a Trip, Chapter 13, The Other Side of the Pilgrim's Road in Spain

In this chapter of her book Life is a Trip, Judith Fein is walking along with the pilgrims en route to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Spain. On this road she encountered countless of diverse people, with and without reasons to walk the road of a pilgrim. Some were just curious, others wanted the spiritual aspects that came with it, others like the hosteleros found their purpose on serving the pilgrims. The burning question our author faced was finding out what was her purpose for the pilgrimage.. She was conscious that she was not making the same sacrifices the pilgrims were making and she asked herself how was she exeriencing a pilgrim’s life. Later she realized that life is a form or pilgrimage. Our life is the journey of pilgrimage we follow and those who we encounter during our life are the ones we serve. Fein starts to reminisce about the people she has helped, among them two new mothers and a young student he wrote a letter of recommendation. She knew that writing about the pilgrims and their journey was also a way for her to serve The Road (as the journey to Santiago was also known) and that this motive was just as important as the ones who when there for spiritual growth and even those that went out of curiosity. This is how she realized she was a pilgrim, not in a literal sense, but as a metaphor of life.

 In my life I have also served as a pilgrim. I worked as a volunteer in a children’s hospital and done community service in a lot of places. Being a pilgrim is someone whot tkaes a journey to a particular destination; therefore we can definitely say that our life is a sort of pilgrimage journey and we decide the destination we want to arrive to and the purpose of the road we take are the goals we set out to achieve.

Life's a Trip Book cover

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