To me blogs are where you share
your new and breakthrough ideas. I have never written a blog before so I was a
little nervous when we were first assigned to create one. What was I going to
write about? Would it be interesting enough for others to read? These were some
of the questions that hunted my mind. Nevertheless, I took the challenge and
found myself surprised about how easy it came. We started simple, a post
describing ourselves, and then we went along with analyzing the literary texts
we discussed in class. Turns out I had more to say about them than what I
realized at first.
It was a fun experience and one
who provided me with a lot of learning about myself and about the process of
writing itself. I learn how to think critically and how to organize my thoughts
into coherent sentences to make my posts interesting and attractive to the
public reading my blog. I also learned about presentation. When crating a blog
per se or writing a post, it is important for it to be presentable, attractive
to the eye and easy to read. Combining the color schemes, knowing which picture
to add, what quote to use is all part of the blog’s presentation and it is also
a way to personalize your blog, to put your signature on it. I tried my best
with this and I think I succeeded. It may not be perfect, but it is mine, they
represent who I am and what I wanted to share and I believe this is what makes
a blog worth reading.
I would recommend writing a blog
to anyone who asks, whether it be for a class, a way to express yourself, as a
diary or as a way to share a revolutionary idea. It serves as a way to connect
with the rest of the world in a fun way.